Monday, March 11, 2019

character traits

Nya is hard working. Nya has to walk for a good length and had to carry a big plastic container. Nya walked in the hot blazing sun and walk through thorns. Nya had to fill the big plastic container up with water, which makes the container heavier and then Nya has to take the water back to her family.

Salva is lonely. Salva had to run from home and lost his parents. Then he finds a old lady, but the old lady leaves because the war was getting close so Salva had to join a group. In the group Salva finds a friend and then finds his uncle, but his friend gets eaten by a lion. Then the group got robbed and the robbers killed Salva's uncle.

I am kind. I have held doors for elders and held a persons crutches when he needed to sit for a second. this shows I am kind because I am helping people that could need help.

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